Thursday, May 15, 2008

Move over for Dover...

I made Dover Sole for the first time last night...
of course with the help of tsannie
the dish was I thought I would share...
So easy and so good!

5 fillets of Dover Sole
1/4 C Flour
Fresh Ground Pepper
Kosher Salt
3 Tbs Butter
1/4 C Olive Oil
1/4 C Vermouth
1 Lemon

Heat Butter and oil in a skillet (I use a cast iron)

Mix flour, pepper and salt.
Rinse fillets in water and shake off excess water.
Dip fillets in flour mixture.
Place floured fillets in hot butter/oil mixture 
till brown on both sides.
Remove from skillet to a plate lined with 
paper towels (helps soak off excess oil)

Continue to heat butter/oil mixture pour in 
vermouth cook until alcohol burns off.
Whisk mixture with the juice of 1 lemon, salt and pepper to taste

Served with Rice Pilaf and a balsamic broccoli slaw 

Bon Appetit,


MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Now THAT sounds fantastic and not too difficult. Can you hear my printer humming? :)

Mental P Mama said...

It was good! I watched them make it. Then I ate it.